Dialectology and Sociolinguistics

This line includes the analysis of linguistic variation and change, considered in the perspective of language contact and spatial and social perspectives at the various levels of linguistic analysis. The study of linguistic facts is developed within the theoretical and methodological principles of Dialectology and/or Sociolinguistics, encompassing distinct theoretical perspectives and taking into account the interrelationship between historical, spatial, social, cultural, ethnic, and identity aspects.


  • Amanda dos Reis Silva
Research interests: Bahia’s vernacular portuguese; Variation and phonetic-phonological change; Brazilian Portuguese; Linguistic Atlas; Linguistic Atlas of Brazil.
Américo Venâncio Lopes Machado Filho 
Research interests: History of the Portuguese language; lexicon; historical-variational lexicography; Old Portuguese; editing of medieval texts.
  • Carlos Felipe da Conceição Pinto
Research interests: Sociohistorical linguistics and language contact; socioespacial variation in grammatical and pragmatic levels. The black people and American varieties of European languages; variation and teaching.
  • Charley Pereira Soares

Research interests: Sociolinguistic history of sign language, languages in contact: Libras and Portuguese; variation linguistic of sign language, variation and change in sign language brazilian morphosyntax; language documentation of Libras.

  • Dante Eustachio Lucchesi Ramacciotti 
Research interests: Sociolinguistic history of Brazil; languages in contact; variation and change in Brazilian Portuguese morphosyntax; Pidgin and Creole languages; history of Linguistics.
  • Gredson dos Santos 
Research interests: Phonological variation in Brazilian Portuguese. Languages in contact: phonology. Phonological variation and its repercussions on writing. Subjective evaluation standards of the Salvador/Ba cultured norm. Constitution of corpora. Phonetic analysis in Bahian communities mapped by the Atlas Linguístico do Brasil Project (ALiB).
  • Jacyra Andrade Mota 
Research interests: Phonetic-phonological or lexical-semantic analysis of Brazilian Portuguese; Beliefs and attitudes. Research projects: Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (ALiB); NURC, Beliefs and Attitudes in Brazilian communities.
  • Josane Moreira de Oliveira 
Research interests: Dialectology and Sociolinguistics. Themes linked to the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil Project (ALiB) and that focus on linguistic variation and change, with quantitative (Labovian) data analysis.
  • Juliana Escalier Ludwig Gayer
Research interests: Phonological variation; Studies in Phonology and interfaces.
  • Lílian Teixeira de Sousa 
Research interests: Syntax of natural languages; compared syntax; prosody, description of natural languages; language documentation.
  • Manuele Bandeira 
Research interests: Linguistic contact, description of Portuguese-based creole languages and varieties of Portuguese from Africa and Brazil (phonological and morphological aspects).
  • Marcela Moura Torres Paim 
Research interests: Morphosyntactic variation (tu x você, nós x a gente). Lexical variation in the semantic-lexical fields life cycles, clothing and accessories of the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil Project (ALiB).
  • Maria Cristina Veira de Figueiredo Silva 
Research interests: Description and analysis of Brazilian Portuguese from the perspective of variationist sociolinguistics and the contact between languages in the formation of varieties of Brazilian Portuguese and Portuguese spoken in African territories.
  • Shirley Freitas Sousa 
Research interests: Contato Linguístico: línguas crioulas de base portuguesa e variedades do português faladas na África, quanto à descrição e análise linguística, fonologia.
  • Silvana Soares Costa Ribeiro 
Research interests: Dialectology and Sociolinguistics. Subjects linked to the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil Project (ALiB), NURC Project or others. Linguistic Analysis concentrated in studies of diatopic and lexical variation.