Applied Linguistics

This line includes and integrates studies in Applied Linguistics, considering its different theoretical and methodological configurations and its relationship with many fields of knowledge, focusing on teaching-learning and language teacher training, language policies, language teaching policies, multiliteracies, educational technologies, and intercultural and critical studies on the diverse social practices of language in contemporary times. 


  • Cristiane Maria Campelo Lopes Landulfo
Research interests: Teacher training, ethnic-racial and gender issues in foreign language teaching. Intercultural Education, Language Teaching Materials, Language Policies, Language Education for Children, Decolonial Studies, Italian as a Heritage Language, Italian Language Afro-Diasporic Literature and Italian Linguistic-Cultural Plurality.
  • Denise Maria de Oliveira Zogbhi

Research interests: Critical Applied Linguistics in interface with Critical Discourse Analysis, literacy, identity construction, gender issues, sexuality, racism and inclusive education.

  • Domingos Sávio Pimentel Siqueira
Research interests: Language teacher education, critical pedagogy and language teaching, English as a lingua franca, World Englishes, decolonial studies, critical approaches to language teaching, intercultural education, linguistic imperialism, translanguaging and linguistic education, globalization, mobility and language teaching and learning, bi/pluri/multilingual education, CLIL.
  • Edleise Mendes
Research interests: Intercultural language education; Intercultural and critical approaches to language teaching; Language, culture and identity; Materials design for language teaching; Language teacher  education; Portuguese language: L1, L2; Language policies; Development digital resources for teaching Portuguese as a foreign language / second language; Use of ICTs to design online language courses.
  • Fabiano Silvestre Ramos
Research interests: Language teaching and learning; language teacher training; emotions and their relationship to different concepts: language, identity and beliefs; language teaching methodology; sociocultural theory.
  • Felipe Flores Kupske
Phonetics and Phonology applied to language teaching; Teaching speaking; Speech production and perception; Intelligibility and comprehensibility; Perceptual training; and Complex Dynamic Models.
  • Fernanda Mota Pereira
Research interests: Applied Linguistics, especially Critical Applied Linguistics; teacher education; foreign languages  teaching and learning; decolonial education; literature and teaching; ethnic-racial and gender issues in foreign language teaching. Research Project: Education in Narratives: Experiences in Learning Contexts.
  • Gilvan Muller de Oliveira
Research interests: Within the UNESCO Chair in Language Policies for Multilingualism: language policies, language education, internationalization, borders and diasporas, linguistic economics, linguistic rights, translation and accessibility, ICTs, geopolitics of languages, minority languages.
  • Júlio Neves Pereira
Research interests: Decolonial studies, ontological-epistemic  and Critical Applied Linguistics; decoloniality, language, education and identities; Decolonial Pedagogies and praxis; identity politics in contemporaneity and decoloniality; coloniality and language; territories, frontier and superdiverse spaces as migration and diaspora scenarios; critical, decolonial and  translingual approaches to language teaching critical, decolonial and translingual perspectives on language teaching and teacher education; netnography, multiliteracies and critical literacy.
  • Lívia Márcia Tiba Rádis Baptista

Research interests: Decolonial, counter-colonial and post-colonial studies and Applied Linguistics focusing on ontological-epistemic and praxiological dimensions; decolonial and counter-colonial pedagogies in the Global South; languages ​​and education: gender and ethnic-racial issues;migration and diaspora with a focus on linguistic vulnerability; critical, decolonial and translingual approaches to language teaching (with emphasis on Spanish and Portuguese) and language teacher education and netnographic research in Applied Linguistics.

  • Márcia Paraquett Fernandes

Research interests: Language teacher education; Cultural Studies aimed at Latin America; Interculturality and Decoloniality; Spanish language policies

  • Maria Inêz Probst Lucena

Research interests: Language teaching and learning in formal education contexts (Basic Education and Higher Education) and in informal ones; elaboration and evaluation of language teaching materials; teacher training/education; language educational policies (multilingualism and linguistic rights); bilingual education (linguistic repertoires, translanguaging, language and capitalism); language ideology; ethnography.

  • Maria Luisa Ortiz Alvarez
Research interests: Portuguese as a heritage language; Language teaching research; Language teacher education; Language teaching and learning processes; Phraseology Studies: research and teaching.
  • Rita Maria Ribeiro Bessa
Research interests: Teaching foreign languages and Portuguese as a second  language. Intercultural and critical approaches to language teaching; Language, culture and identity;  Language teachers education;  Production of didactic materials for  foreign language teaching.
  • Simone Bueno Borges da Silva
Research interests: Language teachers education, educational technologies, literacy and multiliteracies studies, teaching and learning reading and writing in public schools.
  • Terezinha Oliveira Santos

Research interests: Decolonial studies at their intersections of race, gender, territory and language; Critical racial literacy; Language teacher education.