Núcleo de Estudos em Língua Italiana no Contexto Brasileiro – NELIB

Cristiane Maria Campelo Lopes Landulfo de Sousa (UFBA) Paula Garcia de Freitas (UFPR)
The Center for Studies in Italian Language in the Brazilian Context (Núcleo de Estudos em Língua Italiana no Contexto Brasileiro – NELIB) was created with the purpose of bringing professors, teachers, and researchers together to work in the field of Italianistics in Brazil and to (re)think about teacher education. We propose to foster and to share the studies and experiences of the members in order to create a national network of knowledge that includes research focused on teacher training and on the democratization of language teaching as a way to guarantee linguistic rights to the entire population. We aim to promote groupthink and to build a Language Education that is more human, more critical, less excluding, and consequently, we may have discussions that will foster thoughts and considerations in different educational contexts. Thus, we are guided by the following question: what are the necessary knowledges for Italian teachers to be able to develop an intercultural and emancipatory pedagogical practice in a world in ongoing changes?