Language, Cognition and Speech

This line includes interdisciplinary studies on interconnections between languages, cognition, text and discourse, as well as between culture, society, history and ideology, based on premises from the Cognitive Linguistics, the Complexity Theory, Discourse Analysis and/or Textual Linguistics, still, from other fields of knowledge. There are three perspectives: language and cognition, language and discourse, and language and text. It may be from the quantitative, qualitative or quali-quantitative methodological bias. The approach may be synchronic or diachronic, and the corpus, mono or multimodal. 


  • Adriana Santos Batista
Research interests: Discourse Studies and Enunciation, focused on the circulation and constitution of discourses on education in different instances; studies on reading and writing in an academic context.
  • Aurelina Ariadne Domingues Almeida
Research interests: Categorization, conceptualization, metaphors and metonymies from the perspective of cognitive semantics.
  • Daniele de Oliveira
Research interests: Critical Discourse Analysis (or Critical Discourse Studies), focusing on representations of abusive power relations in hegemonic discourse (politics, media, education etc) in its most diverse modalities (verbal, non-verbal, written, oral etc). ); Critical Discourse Analysis and teaching.
  • Juliana Soledade Barbosa Coelho
Research interests: Common and onomastic lexicon, and morphology in  constructional and Cognitive Semantics perspective,  focusing on categorization processes, conceptual metaphor theory, frame theory.
  • Júlio Neves Pereira
Research interests: Critical studies of languages, especially multimedia (present in supports both on screen and on paper), in various social practices through analytical instruments arising from Critical Discourse Analysis and Social Semiotics, as well as related theories that help in understanding the phenomena. Construction of the sociosemiotic identity of black men and women on widely circulated websites and social networks.
  • Lícia Maria Bahia Heine
Research interests: Study of the text as a dialogical, linguistic-semiotic, spoken, written event, encompassing, therefore, not only the verbal sign, but also the other signs in the social sphere (images, signs, gestures, nods of the head, pictorial elements, graphics, etc.). ); Study of the main theoretical and methodological perspectives in Discourse Analysis, according to the French approach represented by Pêcheux and Maingueneau.
  • Palmira Virginia Bahia Heine Alvarez

Research interests:  Discourse Analysis represented by Pêcheux, especially   the studies of gender,  the identity construction, the body, the printed and digital media, and also the political field. Relationship between discourse,  memory, ideology, silence and history in different materialities.

  • Renata Aiala de Mello
Research interests: Study of the text as a dialogical, linguistic-semiotic, spoken, written event, encompassing, therefore, not only the verbal sign, but also the other signs in the social sphere (images, signs, gestures, nods of the head, pictorial elements, graphics, etc.). ); Study of the main theoretical and methodological perspectives in Discourse Analysis, according to the French approach represented by Pêcheux and Maingueneau